Belief And Action

How strong are religious beliefs? This blogger was discussing the matter with Dennis Robinson at a Greensboro Atheist Meetup last night. Dennis mentioned that, many times, the beliefs of theists are not consistent with their actions.

If you consider yourself a moral and law-abiding person you still may be tempted to act immorally and/or illegally. However, your conscience would act against the negative impulse. If there were security cameras at the location of the potential act, there would be even greater pressure to avoid such.

In addition to the above, the theist also has the "all present" eye of a loving God watching every move as a deterent against a bad action. If theists TRULY believed in this presence of God, why would they ever perform a negative act? But they do, and at least as frequently as the non-theist population. Statistically, there seems to be no significant difference in action between theists and non-theists in regard to moral or legal matters.

If you are a theist, does this split between belief and action give you pause regarding how deeply you believe?

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